
Default Methods


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Advanced Questions

Why the restriction on local variable capture?

Capture of local variables is restricted to those that are effectively final. Lifting this restriction would present implementation difficulties, but it would also be undesirable; its presence prevents the introduction of a new class of multithreading bugs involving local variables. Local variables in Java have until now been immune to race conditions and visibility problems because they are accessible only to the thread executing the method in which they are declared. But a lambda can be passed from the thread that created it to a different thread, and that immunity would therefore be lost if the lambda, evaluated by the second thread, were given the ability to mutate local variables. Even the ability to read the value of mutable local variables from a different thread would introduce the necessity for synchronization or the use of volatile in order to avoid reading stale data.

An alternative way to view this restriction is to consider the use cases that it discourages. Mutating local variables in idioms like this:

	int sum = 0;
	list.forEach(e -> { sum += e.size(); });	// illegal; local variable 'sum' is not effectively final

frustrates a principal purpose of introducing lambdas. The major advantage of passing a function to the forEach method is that it allows strategies that distribute evaluation of the function for different arguments to different threads. The advantage of that is lost if these threads have to be synchronized to avoid reading stale values of the captured variable.

The restriction of capture to effectively immutable variables is intended to direct developers’ attention to more easily parallelizable, naturally thread-safe techniques. For example, in contrast to the accumulation idiom above, the statement

	int sum = -> e.size()).reduce(0, (a, b) -> a+b);

creates a pipeline in which the results of the evaluations of the map method can much more easily be executed in parallel, and subsequently gathered together by the reduce operation.

The restriction on local variables helps to direct developers using lambdas aways from idioms involving mutation; it does not prevent them. Mutable fields are always a potential source of concurrency problems if sharing is not properly managed; disallowing field capture by lambda expressions would reduce their usefulness without doing anything to solve this general problem.
An effectively final local variable is
one whose value is never changed.

foreach takes a function and applies
it to every element (see this page).